Title: Something To Save Spoilers: "Nothing Important Happened Today" (Part 2) Rating: PG Words: 4713 Summary: Who do you serve, and who can you trust? Stark is forced to make a drastic decision when her partner's integrity is put to the test.
Title: Something To Save Spoilers: "Nothing Important Happened Today" (Part 1) Rating: PG Words: 5504 Summary: Who do you serve, and who can you trust? Stark is forced to make a drastic decision when her partner's integrity is put to the test.
Title: How It Sounds Spoilers: "The Truth" Rating: PG Words: 2310 Summary: Even though I know // I don't wanna know // Yeah, I guess I know // I just hate how it sounds. - Finger Eleven, "One Thing". An immediate post-ep to "The Truth."
Title: Demons Spoilers: "Daemonicus" Rating: PG Words: 3162 Summary: Post-episode, Stark's point of view on "Daemonicus": why she doesn't like mental hospitals and why she remains the safe place to run to.